Playfulness, learning and socio-emotional development: a look at early childhood
The purpose of this study is to analyze pedagogical experiences of a playful nature implemented by Preschool Educators at the level of learning and development of socio-emotional skills in early childhood in the province of Osorno, Chile. From the methodological point of view, the research is carried out under a qualitative research approach, with a descriptive and interpretive analysis perspective, producing information through an open questionnaire and a focus group with Preschool Educators belonging to educational institutions with some degree of state funding. The methodological perspective of analysis is the Grounded Theory of Glaser and Strauss with contributions from Corbin (Schettini & Cortazzo, 2015). The research has been structured in phases; the first of them is a theoretical and conceptual approach, a second, of a contextual descriptive nature and the third, of analysis of results and discussion. In conclusion, the importance and benefits of the Playful Pedagogical Experience (EPL) within the teaching and learning process of girls and boys are evidenced, responding to their characteristics and needs, which generates various benefits to enhance curiosity, development , the willingness to learn, socialization, creativity and imagination in a learning context and the comprehensive development of socio-emotional skills, which allow learning to be protagonists in a playful context.
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