Teacher mental health after a year and a half of the COVID-19 pandemic
Seeking to understand the new educational scenario that emerged from the pandemic different non-academic investigations emerged that openly disseminated their results. However, these studies have not been systematized to understand the main trends that characterized this period. Thus, the objective of this article is to examine the non-academic research published in Chile by civil society organizations regarding the mental health of Chilean teachers during the first year and a half of COVID-19. Using a qualitative methodology and an analytical design, 14 empirical studies between March 2020 and July 2021 were selected. The results show the high vulnerability of teaching, especially of women and the youngest, as an effect of the adaptation of the process. of teaching, working conditions and the pandemic itself, including the fear of contagion. In this framework, the conclusions call for the implementation of palliative actions to mitigate the current sequelae, as well as the planning of preventive, early detection, and treatment actions for the post-pandemic period, articulating individual and social actions that respond effectively to the sources of risk.
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