Evaluation of Teacher Induction Programs (E-Tip): Validity of the Criteria





Education & Training, Educational Administration, Induction of Labor, Teacher Preparation, Job Rotation


The aim of this study was to validate the criteria of an instrument created to ensure the quality of teaching induction programs. It was an applied research with a mixed meth-od approach. The sample was non-probability by convenience. The instrument was constructed on the basis of available bibliography and the content was validated by expert judgment through a Likert scale with an alpha of Cronbach of 0.86. The Aiken V was applied to the judgment of the experts. The 14 relevant criteria had an average approval rate of 80.6% versus 3.6% of disapprovals and, according to the Aiken V, thirteen of the fourteen items should be included in the final version of the scale. In conclusion, the E-Tip criteria proved to be valid in the content validation. Furthermore, further research is needed on qualitative instruments to assess the criteria mentioned.


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Author Biographies

  • María-Mercedes Yeomans-Cabrera, Universidad de Las Américas, Chile

    Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration por la California University U.S.A y la Selinus University of Sciences and Literature; Magíster en Dirección de RRHH y Habilidades Directivas; Magíster en Gestión Educacional; Licenciada en Educación; Licenciada en Traductología. A la fecha, Académica Investigadora en la Facultad de Salud y Ciencias Sociales de Universidad de Las Américas. Líneas de investigación: Salud Integral, Salud Social y Educación.  

  • Jonathan Martínez-Líbano, Universidad SEK, Chile

    Doctor en Psicología por la Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana MX; Magíster en Dirección de RRHH y Habilidades Directivas; Magíster en Gestión Educacional; Licenciado en Psicología. A la fecha, Director del Magíster en Educación Emocional en la Universidad Andrés Bello y Docente en Universidad SEK. Líneas de investigación: Salud Mental, Salud Emocional y Psicometría  


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How to Cite

Evaluation of Teacher Induction Programs (E-Tip): Validity of the Criteria. (2024). Revista De Estudios Y Experiencias En Educación, 23(51), 213-233. https://doi.org/10.21703/rexe.v23i51.1706