Teaching space-time prepositions in English as L2: How do we approach them in the classroom?
preposiciones, corporeidad, lingüística cognitiva, Enseñanza del Inglés, Adquisición de Segundas LenguasAbstract
Teaching the prepositions in, on and at has been a challenge in the classroom of English as a Second Language. This difficulty can be traced back to the complex nature of the prepositions, since they denote time and space, and, also, do not always have an equivalent in the mother tongue. Prepositions are usually taught explicitly by memorizing rules through visibly concrete examples, or, through implicit teaching where this grammatical axis is not paid attention to. Consequently, the use of prepositions is one of the topics that generate difficulty in the teaching-learning process of English, especially in the first levels of acquisition. Under this scenario, from cognitive linguistics, there are embodiment proposals that seek to conceptualize and explain the essence of space-time prepositions, that is, the "why" of their use. Considering the need to make them known, this article aims to disclose the conceptualization of space-time prepositions in English from an embodiment approach, to facilitate their teaching.
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