STEAM teachers: Design and validation of a teacher training program
Educación STEAM, formación del profesorado, desarrollo profesional docente, desarrollo sostenible, D-BRAbstract
The agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development states that education is vital to a fair and sustainable society, and it indicates educational approaches such as STEM and STEAM education as means to achieve such goals. Based on that, this study sought to design and validate an early years teacher training program on STEAM education for sustainability for Chilean teachers. Therefore, a study based on the Design-Based Research (D-BR) approach was carried out in three iterations, validated through expert judgment by researchers and teachers, and evaluations of participants during the courses’ implementation. Key elements of the program’s design have been identified in the first iteration: theoretical conceptualization, Subjects’ integration, contextualization, sustainable development, active methodologies, focus on practice and teacher collaboration; in the second iteration: co-evaluation was incorporated as a strategy; finally, in the third iteration, the training program was implemented with a group of 31 teachers. As a result, the final version, called Pro-STEAM, considers three modules: Education for the 21st Century, STEAM Education and STEAM Implementation.
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