Emotions in the learning process: systematic review
Emotion, Learning, Neuroscience, Prisma Methodology, EducationAbstract
In the diverse and challenging academic context of the current century, recurrent emotions in the daily life of students are one of the relevant factors to be considered in the educational process, due to their influence on behavior and academic and social performance achievements. Consider rewriting: Considering learning as a situated and recursive process, the neurosciences have contributed primarily to understanding the disposition and attitude that is conducive to student success in an educational and didactic experience that a teacher facilitates.For this reason, a systematic review of research addressing the relationship between learning and emotion was carried out. For the qualitative analysis, 17 articles published between 2017 and 2022 were considered, allowing finally to conform the present review, according to the indications of the PRISMA model. From this study, it is possible to conclude how fundamental it is to implement learning strategies that consider the management and development of pleasant emotions by teachers and students. The emotional management ability of the teacher, and the mastery of brain functioning based on neuroscientific principles, together with the constant improvement, will favor the disposition to experiences that take into account the students' own interests, promoting long-term learning through a variety of physical, social, cognitive and emotional activities. Most of the studies reviewed recognize that the teacher is a key player in the teaching-learning process, suggesting the need to delve deeper into neuro-educational strategies that promote deep learning in their students.
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