Description of Life Satisfaction Index (LSI-A) of elderly people participating in the Third Age Programme at a Chilean university




Envejecimiento, calidad de vida, felicidad


An aging population generates great concern in the community, as it involves testing strategies to improve the quality of life of older people for a longer period of time. This pilot study seeks to describe the level of life satisfaction of elderly people who participate in the "Programa del Adulto Mayor" (PAMUSS), which has been taught for more than 6 years at the Universidad San Sebastián, Valdivia. The ain of this programme is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and well-being of elderly people in the commune of Valdivia, elucidating whether elderly people participating in the “Programa del Adulto Mayor” have a high level of life satisfaction. The results suggest that elderly people have a good life satisfaction index. The index showed that the elderly show congruence between their desires and goals, show enthusiasm for life, have a good self-concept, and good ability to take responsibility for their lives. However, the subjects show just moderate optimism, happiness, and other positive affective responses. The projections of the study are multiple. For example, to include other assessments of health status and/or other populations in other localities, for correlational analyses with the Life Satisfaction Index observations.


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Author Biography

  • Carla E. Contreras-Saavedra, Universidad San Sebastián

    Dra. Carla E. Contreras-Saavedra

    Académica Investigadora para la Facultad de Odontología y Ciencias de la Rehabilitación, Universidad San Sebastián.

    Profesora de Español, Fonoaudióloga y Doctora en Psicología Cognitiva Experimental. 


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How to Cite

Description of Life Satisfaction Index (LSI-A) of elderly people participating in the Third Age Programme at a Chilean university. (2023). Revista De Estudios Y Experiencias En Educación, 22(50), 121-140.