Rethinking the training process in intermediate practices of Social Work at the University of Atacama, Chile.
Training - social work, intervention, pandemic, distance education.Abstract
Faced with the health contingency that began in March 2020, the University of Atacama adapts its work to the measures imposed by the respective authority. In tune, the social work department makes adjustments to the intermediate internship process, incorporating temporary modifications that make it possible to respond, in this extraordinary context, to the training objectives and the demands of the environment. The article presents the results of a descriptive and mixed case study that analyzes the Micro intermediate practice process of the Social Work career in the context of Covid-19. For this, the adjustments made in the process are defined and the assessment of the experience as an instance of intervention in the context of a pandemic is established, from the student body and the teaching staff. The results indicate the strengthening of teamwork and networking, increased instances of reflection on the right to assistance and social ties and training in social benefits and the establishment of intervention flows adjusted to the context of confinement as the main elements added to the process and appreciated by its actors. In conclusion, learning is recognized that becomes challenges to develop around the installation of virtual media in social intervention, the ability to systematize experiences and promote intentional, interconnected and inter-institutional work. In addition, and in relational terms, the importance of the role of teacher guide in the emotional containment and management of student frustration is established.
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