Decoding through narratives the development of TPACK of Mathematics teachers
narratives, mathematics Teacher, knowledge, initial and continuing training, development of TPACKAbstract
In this study, we had the purpose of describing and validating from the narratives of professional experiences, initial and continued training the level of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) development of the mathematics teachers of Basic Education investigated. We analyzed the narrative statements of seven teachers from two public schools. Initially, we make considerations bringing Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) closer to TPACK in order to understand their origins and justify these theoretical constructs as tools for the analysis of educational practice. For this research of a qualitative nature and of a narrative nature, we used semi-structured interviews conducted by Google Meet, an on-line questionnaire. The analyzes indicated that the efficient incorporation of digital technologies in the teaching and learning processes in Mathematics does not only require technological skills, but a sum of knowledge and skills that will enable teachers to use these tools according to the purpose of the class. Finally, we hope that this discussion will increase the receptivity of the theme among mathematical researchers in relation to the (re) significance of the knowledge of mathematics teachers in the light of TPACK.
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