El Podcast como Apoyo al Razonamiento Profesional Evaluado por la Inteligencia Artificial
Higher education, Information technology (IT), Artificial intelligence, Learning, Reasoning.Abstract
Introduction: The pandemic left formative sequelae that led teachers to adopt various strategies and tools to mitigate its effects. Among the computer and information technologies (ICT) used remotely as support, the podcast stood out as a chosen resource for teaching professional reasoning, and it is unknown to what extent it is truly relevant and aligned with educational objectives upon returning to face-to-face learning.
Methods: Four teachers explored the possibility of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to evaluate the potential of the podcast as a resource in professional reasoning training. For this purpose, they employed open-ended questions to the AI model available and free from OpenAI, known as Chat GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer version 3.5).
Results: The texts provided by Chat GPT revealed that the synergy between the podcast and AI can be feedback for the learning process of professional reasoning in the post-pandemic period. The obtained results included descriptive and comparative tables, showing how Chat GPT provided feedback on methodological strategies and evaluation instruments related to the use of model human movement function-dysfunction (MHMFD) as a resource for learning professional reasoning.
Conclusion: AI can be a support to the podcast, providing updated feedback when requested to limit its analysis to the reasoning model of human MHMFD.
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