Decisiones curriculares en contextos de planificación compartida: Tres estudios de caso en escuelas chilenas
currículum, toma de decisión, coeducación, planificación educativa, profesión docenteAbstract
Coteaching and coplanning are pedagogical processes that have emerged strongly in last decades due to educational policies that have given greater prominence to this type of teacher collaboration. However, there is scarce evidence regarding the curricular decisions made in these spaces, specifically, in relation to the participating actors, the decisional phases, levels of concretion and curricular components addressed. This qualitative and exploratory research focused on the shared planning processes of three pairs made by primary education teachers (PEB) and differential education teachers (PED) in the first four years of the school trajectory. The video recordings of these meetings were subjected to a thematic analysis of discourse, that allowed to conclude that the decision-making processes are usually limited to the decision-closing phase, with the primary education teachers displaying the leading role while the differential education teachers intervene in few instances. Also, it evidenced that the decision-making focus is placed on the contents over the purposes of the learning process and that most of the decisions refer to the micro level. This study provides initial findings regarding the relationship dynamics between primary and differential education teachers when defining the curricular dimension of coplanning.
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