Inclusión educativa en Colombia: El impacto del periódico escolar en una escuela primaria a través de la Investigación – Acción
Inclusive education, cultural identity, teaching methods, student participation, school publicationsAbstract
Inclusive education has been consolidated as a universal right in which leading inclusive processes becomes an unavoidable commitment of educational institutions, family, and society. The present time demands openness to a new educational vision, which breaks the traditional schemes and makes room for new strategies where there is respect for the different dynamics of communication, rhythms and learning styles, allowing the free development of the being. In this context, the research process of analysis of the impact of implementing the school newspaper in a public educational institution in Colombia, with children in fifth grade of primary school, is developed. The research carried out is framed within the qualitative approach and responds to the methodological design of action – research, with direct participation of the researchers within the context of application, which was approached using the cultural identity of the region as a guiding theme. Through the implementation of the school newspaper, dynamics of participation, teamwork and motivation were generated, as well as spaces for diversity, where all students were able to use their skills and learn about different topics of interest in a cross – cutting manner, enhancing their learning process in a comprehensive manner. The project shows a significant contribution to the rescue of cultural traditions, as a main element that favors inclusion based on criteria of identity, respect, and value for difference, making it a means that strengthens the construction of knowledge.
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