Astronomy, Knowledge dialogue, Alternative conceptions, Conceptual changeAbstract
Efforts to mainstream interculturality in Chilean education are stressed by the standardization of learning results. This harms the dialogue between science and the knowledge developed by indigenous peoples. Particularly, astronomy presentssignificant contrasts with different worldviews, for example, the Moon’s phases, the position of the Sun, the seasons and among others. These contrasts motivate this study, in such a way that the objective of this research is to analyze the effects of the knowledge dialogue between the Aymara people, modern astronomy and the alternative conceptions of first-year students of the Eagles' College in Iquique, with respect to to the topic of the Moon’s phases. For this purpose, a diagnosis of alternative conceptions was carried out on a group of 14 students. Subsequently, the same students participated in an intercultural astronomy activity and the conceptual changes were evaluated. For this, the Hake index was used, which allows measuring the learning gain. In the diagnosis, it was shown that the majority of students present alternative conceptions about the Moon’s phases, such as, for example, 64.3% of the students believed that during a solar eclipse the Moon is in the full Moon phase. And regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness of the knowledge dialogue, the group demonstrates a gain in the average level of learning, determined by g = 0.468. Thus, it is concluded that the dialogue of knowledge favors both conceptual change and the learning of concepts associated with Moon’s phases.
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