Educational Research about teachers. Perception of teachers in postgraduate training
research, initial teacher training, teachers, educational systemAbstract
The following paper, which belongs to the field of education, analyzes the results of a research with a quantitative approach that aims to know the perception of scientific research in the educational system, as well as considering its possibilities and limitations, in a group of teachers who are studying a postgraduate program in education in the province of Antofagasta and another one in the province of Biobío, Chile. This research had a descriptive approach. As the main data collection technique, a questionnaire with open questions was used. Generally speaking, the main findings point to the importance and valuing of research in initial teacher training indicated by those who responded to this instrument, as well as the role it plays in the generation of knowledge; but, at the same time, they indicated the existence of a series of factors which hinder and prevent its implementation within the Chilean educational system, once they start their teaching work in it.
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