El campo de estudio del profesorado en Chile: una revisión de alcance de la literatura académica entre 2006 y 2023
Docentes, Chile, Campo de Estudio, Revisión de Alcance, Revisión de literaturaAbstract
This work analyses Chile's teachers' professional field through a scoping review of academic literature available between 2006 and 2023. Unlike a systematic review, the aim is to understand the existing literature on the topic in a general sense, offering a panoramic view of the knowledge within the field of those researching teachers in the Chilean school system. Two questions guide the purpose of the work: What are the main characteristics shaping the teaching profession field in Chile between 2006 and 2023, and what are the key themes within this field? A total of 703 texts were identified, showing an annual increase in production over the last five years. Most works are in Spanish and published in Chilean and Latin American journals, with women predominantly as the first authors. The scoping review reveals the complexity and robustness of the field, highlighting five major central themes where teacher subjectivity unfolds: identity, relationships, pedagogical-curricular practices, labor regulations, and social discourses. Nineteen subthemes were identified, emphasizing the significance of didactic knowledge, pedagogical-curricular issues, teacher identity, school system policies, and teacher-student relationships. The document concludes by emphasizing the evolution of the teaching profession field in Chile, transitioning from limited literature in the 1970s to a complex and interdisciplinary field today.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Felipe Acuña Ruz, Matias Vilches Vilches, Eliana Cardoch-Meza
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