Cognitive strategies for developing students’ reading comprehension skills using short stories
This paper highlights the importance of implementing cognitive strategies to improve reading comprehension skills in a second language. The study was carried out in a public school located in Cajica, Cundinamarca. An initial needs analysis indicated that the participants did not enjoy reading due to their lack of knowledge about reading strategies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine how five cognitive reading strategies (CRSs) could facilitate students’ reading comprehension of forty students of ninth- grade using short stories. Five cognitive strategies were selected: (predicting, asking questions before reading, visualizing while reading, summarizing the story by using graphic organizers, reading and answering comprehension questions after reading). The data collection methods in this qualitative research were: a blog, two questionnaires and artifacts collected in a student portfolio.
The findings of this study showed that making predictions and questioning help readers to activate previous knowledge. The use of graphic organizers helped learners to facilitate the understanding of the main ideas and the acquisition of vocabulary. In addition, the visualization strategy facilitates reading comprehension as readers create mental images and construct meaning from the text. Finally, answering comprehension questions increase their motivation towards reading. Additionally, the results of this study might provide ideas for other English, Foreign Language teachers who are interested in improving their students' reading comprehension skills.
Key words: Comprehension, cognitive processes, short stories, reading, skills. (Source: Unesco Thesaurus).
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